Support the voice of youth for Basic Income! Help us send 20 young Basic Income advocates to the European Youth Event 2021! Help youth to transform Europe:
Under the tagline “The future is ours”, the European Youth Event (EYE) 2021 will bring together thousands of young people at the European Parliament in Strasbourg (and online) on 8-9 October to shape and share their ideas on the future of Europe.
This is a unique opportunity for 16 to 30 year olds to interact in-person and online, inspire each other and exchange their views with experts, activists, influencers and decision-makers, right in the heart of European democracy.
A voice of youth for Basic Income!
The Youth Group of Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE) has been selected to host a workshop during the European Parliament’s flagship event for youth.
This allows us to host an amazing workshop related to Unconditional Basic Income, as well as to gather a team of 20 young basic income enthusiasts from all over Europe to represent UBIE at the event.
This year we take it to the next level
- We’re holding a workshop on “policies for a fairer economy”
- We’ve gathered a twice as large and much more diverse group to represent UBIE than three years ago
- We are prepared to advocate for UBI policies directly in the European Parliament
We are immensely grateful to the European Parliament for selecting our activity among over 260 applications and even more so for agreeing to reimburse a part of the expenses of our delegation!
However, much like conditional welfare policies, the problem with reimbursements is that they require you to cover the expenses in advance and only help you afterwards. This puts those most disadvantaged in a difficult position and possibly excludes them from civic participation.
We believe in Basic Income exactly because it prevents unfair situations like this from happening. We’ve also took extra efforts to ensure our group is diverse enough to represent frequently under-represented communities, so it would be against our values to let them down now.
This is why we need your support to cover the practical costs of civic participation proactively for our youth!

What will we do with the reimbursement from the European Parliament then when it arrives, about a couple of months after our participation?
We will divide it equally among our delegates, as a… sort of
Basic Income!
We need 5.000 Euros by the end of September
The European Youth Event is taking place on October 8-9 in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. We’ve already been working hard with our delegates to make the best of this incredible opportunity! Let’s make history together.
Our participation in the European Youth Event (EYE) is particularly important for us, as our Youth Group was essentially built from the delegation of UBIE that participated in the last edition of the EYE in 2018 and has strengthened youth participation so much internally that members of our youth group got elected into our board twice afterwards!
Our aim this year is to go to Strasbourg with a more diverse group in order to maximise the impact of our participation without having to worry about covering our basic needs while we do our duty as active citizens. This is particularly important for under-represented countries and communities in Europe.
We already have such a group! But we can’t fulfil our goal to go to the flagship event of the European Parliament for youth with the most diverse and inclusive group without your support!
We all know from experience how difficult it is to volunteer for Basic Income (or any cause we personally believe in for that matter), without having a…Basic Income, to ensure we can be active citizens without risking our survival on the way. It’s among the core reasons we’re fighting for our cause!

Some of our delegates from the EYE 2018!
About us
Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE) is an international network of activists and initiatives. We advocate for the implementation of Basic Income in Europe and its recognition as a Universal Human Right.
UBIE was born out of the European Citizens’ Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income in 2013/14, which gathered the support of over 300,000 EU citizens. Today, we connect over 400 active members from more than 30 countries across the continent.
We organise regular meetings in cities all over Europe, develop projects and campaigns to promote basic income, and raise public awareness as well as support among decision makers at European and national level. As a result of our efforts, basic income is now on the agenda in the policy debates of many European countries.